UPIKS 2019 - 2024
The Chair of UPIKS (Unit Pengelola Data, Informasi, dan kerjasama) FMIPA UNUD:
Agus Muliantara, S.Kom,M.Kom
- Cooperating with USDI, other Faculty UPIKS, and FMIPA management in managing strategic plans, policies and information and communication technology programs to support the achievement of the vision and mission of FMIPA UNUD.
- In collaboration with USDI, UPIKS other faculties, and FMIPA management develop strategic plans and implement objectives in the field of information and communication technology to ensure services that are responsive to the development needs and objectives of FMIPA UNUD.
- Evaluating and monitoring information and communication technology in the FMIPA UNUD environment and providing recommendations for development.
- Develop and prepare an information and communication technology budget plan to facilitate the improvement of information and communication technology services for the development of FMIPA UNUD.
- Development, design, and implementation of new systems and changes to existing systems to ensure the fulfillment of the needs of FMIPA UNUD.
- Coordinate with the management of FMIPA UNUD in order to provide information and communication technology services that are able to meet the needs of FMIPA UNUD.
- Ensure the availability of information and communication technology services for FMIPA UNUD and the entire academic community of FMIPA UNUD.
- Cooperating in the field of information and communication technology as well as other fields related to Tri Dharma PT with other parties as representatives of FMIPA UNUD.
- Coordinate with USDI to manage infrastructure and network
- Cooperating with FMIPA management in structuring and managing Academic and Financial data at FMIPA UNUD