UP2M 2024 - 2028
Chair of UP2M (Research and Community Service Unit) FMIPA Udayana University
Prof. DRA. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, MSc. Ph.D
The Research and Community
Service Unit (UPPM) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is one
of the Functional Units under the Dean of FMIPA UNUD which is coordinated by a
Unit Head. The mission of UPPM FIMPA Unud is to carry out the mission of FMIPA
Unud in the field of research and service, namely:
1. Develop research and community
service in the field of quality basic sciences.
2. Increase research collaboration
in the field of basic sciences at national and international levels.
This unit is an extension of
LPPM Unud in the faculty in managing research and community service with the
main duties and functions being:
1. Prepare plans, programs and
budgets for research and community service (P2M).
2. Manage the implementation of
pure and applied science research.
3. Manage the implementation of
community service.
4. Coordinate the implementation of
research and community service activities.
5. Implementation of cooperation in
the fields of research and community service.
6. Monitoring and evaluating the
implementation of research and community service activities.
7. Carry out administrative affairs
for research and community service.
In implementing the research agenda
within the FMIPA environment whose funding comes from PNBP FMIPA, this unit
generally seeks to synergize its research scheme according to the research
scheme offered through SIMLITABMAS Ristekdikti and the research scheme at
Udayana University. In order to encourage the implementation of superior
research for faculties and study programs, UPPM FMIPA facilitates research
schemes based on faculty excellence and superior research for study programs
which also facilitates the implementation of research roadmaps for faculties
and study programs.
The compilation of various
research results and community service that is encouraged through appropriate
technology-based programs from the results of research and development of basic
sciences is the embryo of downstream research results of lecturers. As an
output of research and community service activities carried out by FMIPA
researchers/lecturers, publications have been produced in various reputable
international journals, accredited national journals, scientific seminars and
proceedings, intellectual property rights (HKI), and patents. In the future,
all P2M program implementation will be driven to be output-oriented so that
research management contributes to the welfare of society.