Strengthening Biodefence 2025: Collaboration of the Ministry of Defense and FMIPA Udayana University in Biodiversity Management


Denpasar, Wednesday, February 19, 2025 – The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia ( Kemhan RI ), through the Research and Development Agency (Balitbang), held a data collection activity for biodiversity management models. This activity aims to strengthen Biodefence in the 2025 Fiscal Year (TA). This meeting was held at the Postgraduate Building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Udayana University (UNUD), Denpasar.

This event was attended directly by the head of FMIPA UNUD, Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, who was accompanied by the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Prof. Dr. Drs. I Made Sukadana, and seven lecturers from the Biology Study Program, FMIPA. and the team from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense consisting of Brigadier General TNI Afson Riswandi Sirait, S.E., M.Pd., Colonel Cpl Tri Ambodo S.T., M.Han., as (Head of SDAB), Ulil Amri, S.Ag., and Zaenal Mustofa, S.E., M.Si., as Senior Researcher of Puslitbang Sumdahan Balitbang Kemhan.

The arrival of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense team aims to collect crucial data that will be used in research and development related to biodiversity. This data will be the basis for formulating a more effective Biodefence strategy. Prof. Ni Luh Watiniasih welcomed this initiative and emphasized the importance of collaboration between academics and government agencies. She stated that this joint effort is very important in maintaining and preserving Indonesia's biodiversity.

This activity is expected to provide a significant contribution to the development of a more effective and sustainable biodiversity management model. With support from FMIPA UNUD, the data collected is expected to improve understanding and strategies in managing natural resources.

And with this meeting, it is expected to be a good first step in establishing closer cooperation between Udayana University and the Indonesian Ministry of Defense. This shows a shared commitment to preserving Indonesia's biodiversity for future generations. And it is expected to continue and produce innovations in the field of Biodefence and environmental conservation.