SPI Udayana University Holds Audit Exit Meeting to Evaluate Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Performance


Jimbaran, February 12, 2024 – The Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) Udayana University conducted an Exit Meeting Audit by SPI focusing on the performance evaluation of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA). The meeting was held on Monday at 10:00 AM WITA, in the Computer Lab on the 3rd Floor of the Dean's Building, Faculty of MIPA, Bukit Campus, Jimbaran. The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of MIPA, Vice Deans, the SPI Audit Team, and Sub Coordinators, marking a significant moment in the faculty's ongoing efforts to enhance transparency and accountability.

Opened by the Dean of the Faculty of MIPA, Udayana University, the meeting discussed findings from the audit conducted by SPI, which started on January 26, 2024. The audit targeted three main aspects: Financial Management, State-Owned Goods Management, and Human Resources at the Faculty of MIPA for the fiscal year 2023. Key findings revealed include issues related to faculty members on Study Duty exceeding the set study period limits, and the need to increase budget realization from the current 90% to above 95% to support the growth of faculty operational funds in the future.

The discussion also touched on several areas requiring attention and corrective actions, including the management of research and service grants not fully meeting obligations as per SP3, and the handover process of capital goods purchases supporting research and service activities not fully executed to Udayana University. Moreover, the importance of efficiency in travel expense reports was emphasized to avoid findings in the financial audits by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

The meeting concluded at 10:50 AM WITA by the Dean of the Faculty of MIPA, marking a step forward for Udayana University's Faculty of MIPA in identifying and addressing internal challenges. A detailed report of the SPI's audit findings was prepared to provide a more detailed overview of the findings and recommendations, ensuring each issue is addressed with appropriate actions. This activity is part of Udayana University's ongoing commitment to improving the quality of education and research, in line with high standards of accountability and transparency.