Important Announcement Info: KIP Scholarship Monitoring and Evaluation Filling Extended


To all Udayana University students,

In connection with the re-determination of KIP Kuliah scholarship recipients for the even semester of 2024/2025, we remind you that every student is required to fill out the monev (monitoring and evaluation) in accordance with the provisions stated in the Regulation of the Secretary General No. 13 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program.

Filling out this monev aims to evaluate the economic capabilities of the parents/guardians of students. It is important to note that if students do not fill out the monev, they will be declared to have withdrawn because they are considered unworthy and not on target.

The deadline for filling out the monev has been extended until March 15, 2025. Please fill it out immediately so as not to miss the opportunity.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.


#KIPScholarship #Monev

