"HR Management System Arrangement TEAM Meeting" Aligning Employee Needs with Institutions


Bukit Jimbaran, Friday, April 19 2024, at 10.00 WITA, at the Dean's Building, 4th Floor (Conference Room) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The Integrity Zone Team for Human Resources Management System Arrangement gathered and held a small meeting to plan and align employee needs with institutional needs. The meeting was opened by the Manager for HR Management, Mr. Dr. Anak Agung Bawa Putra, S.Si., M.Sc. along with 4 other staff staff who also work in this field, including I Wayan Supardi.S.Si., M.Si, in the meeting discussed various important aspects in HR management, including planning employee needs, placement, evaluation, competency-based employee development, determining individual performance, enforcing disciplinary rules/codes of ethics, and updating personnel information through SIANITA.

In the planning stage, evidence is needed in the form of SOPs, ABK, meeting invitation letters/meetings proposing employee needs in accordance with ABK/ANJAB, meeting attendance, photos of meeting implementation, and meeting minutes. Employee placement according to selection results is also a focus, with documents such as annual employee placement decrees and assignment decrees for employees and Home Base SKs for lecturers. evaluation and monitoring (monev) is an important topic, with the formation of a monitoring and evaluation team and evaluation tools such as questionnaires for students, lecturers and staff. As well as patterns in internal transfers, both for lecturers using Home base and DUK, as well as employees with SKP adjusted to ABK, were also discussed, with evidence such as transfer SOPs and transfer SK/assignment letters.

Competency-based employee development was also the focus of the meeting, for example in carrying out training needs analysis, preparing development plans, and measuring employee competency gaps. Determining individual performance through SKP and BKD is also discussed, as well as enforcing disciplinary rules/codes of ethics adapted to the rectorate. Finally, regularly updating personnel information through SIANITA is an important step to ensure employee data is always up-to-date. This meeting shows the commitment of the institution, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, to continue to improve efficiency and effectiveness in HR management, by focusing on improving quality and employee satisfaction.