FMIPA Unud, BRIDA Bali, and PT Nicslab Sign PKS Addendum: Realization of Balinese Script Keyboard Royalties


Bukit Jimbaran, 04 July 2024. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Udayana University, Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) Bali Provincial Government, and PT Nicslab today signed an addendum to the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) regarding royalties for Balinese script keyboard products . This signing marks an important step in realizing the intellectual property rights of FMIPA researchers involved in developing this innovative product.

The Balinese script keyboard, which is the result of the brilliant work of the FMIPA research team consisting of Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, Ph.D, I Putu Hendra Suputra, M.Kom, and Ida Bagus Ary Indra Iswara M.Kom, has successfully entered the market since 2023. This product has sold 1,500 units, showing high interest in innovation that combines technology with Balinese cultural heritage.

Even though the product has been successful in the market, royalty payments to researchers have not been implemented due to the absence of an explicit clause regarding royalties in the previous PKS. The addendum signed today aims to address these obstacles, ensuring that researchers' intellectual property rights are protected and properly compensated.

"The signing of this addendum is an important step in bridging the academic and industrial worlds," said the BRIDA Bali representative. "This is also clear evidence of our commitment to supporting local innovation and protecting the intellectual property rights of researchers in Bali."

Meanwhile, the Dean of FMIPA Unud welcomed this development. "We are proud of the achievements of our research team and hope this addendum can be a good example for similar collaborations in the future," he added.

With the signing of this addendum, it is hoped that the royalty payment process can be realized immediately, giving appropriate appreciation to researchers for their contribution in developing products that are not only of commercial value, but also have high cultural value for the Balinese people.