Webinar "Bersiap Diri di Era Baru Bersama Covid-19 di Iklim Tropis dengan Pemberdayaan Kearifan Usadha Bali".


According from biology perspective, the spread of Covid-19 cannot be interrupted. Because the mutation process is so fast, can cause new variations of this virus, so that experts have difficulty making vaccines or anti-viral drugs.

Local wisdom such as herbal medicine, Empon-Empon, or Usada which originates from natural resources and tropical environment with high UV radiation (8-12?) Can be one way to prevent this disease caused by Covid-19. Not a drug because the concept is to force the immune system. Not also the concept of struggle, but support the body's system that is able to survive and overcome disease. Local wisdom seeks a moment to show its existence has been Marginalized by the concept of modern medicine

Keynote Speaker: 1. Dr Eng Novanto Yudistira, S.kom MSc (Ka Lab Sistem cerdas, Filkom UB, Founder Deep learning Indonesia) “Membumikan big data dan deep learning di Indonesia” 2. Prof Sutiman B Sumitro, SU, D.Sc (Guru Besar Bidang Biologi Sel dan Molekuler F MIPA UB) “Covid 19 : melokal, pro pengobatan holistik dan pro - tropical” 3. Dr. rer. Nat. Drs I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta MSi (Farmasi FMIPA Universitas Udayana) “Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan Tradisonal Bali” 4. Dr Dra A A Sg A Sukmaningsih (Biologi FMIPA Universitas Udayana) “Pendekatan Bioinorganik tanaman sebagai peluruh radikal bebas “ Moderator: Ir Ida Ayu Astarini Msc.PhD (Wakil Direktur II Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana