The Udayana University Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Senate meeting discussed the direction and policies of the Faculty
Thursday, June 8 2023, in the meeting room of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Lecturer Building, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, a meeting of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences took place. The senate meeting which was attended by 30 of the 36 members of the faculty senate had an agenda for conveying information to the chair of the senate, the Dean, the 2023 FMIPA Dean Election, as well as a recommendation for a lecturer promotion.
The senate meeting which was opened by the Secretary of the Senate Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, S.T, MM, Ph.D produced several points, namely:
- New senate members from Professors will be distributed to the three existing commissions in the FMIPA senate
- The coordinator of the S3 study program designed the S3 by research with reporting to DIKTI in accordance with applicable regulations
- Commission 1 (Education) began designing faculty management by focusing on the concept of the Saintekes faculty, namely breaking existing study programs into new study programs with the aim of adding to the student body, immediately proclaiming UNUD as PTNBH will make it easier to open, close, or merge study programs new.
- Lecturer performance in the FMIPA environment needs to refer to the recognition that has been designed in the sister system
- MBKM still needs to be a concern because it is a contract that has been made by the Chancellor with the ministry, namely 20% of students from the entire student body
- If the MBKM is an independent MBKM, then the lecturer who designed the program has the right to become a supervisor, not an academic supervisor.
- IKU achievements in the form of lecturers who are recognized outside the campus need to be considered by the administration, such as when making an assignment letter which writes in letter lux that the performing lecturer supports the intended KPI. In addition, MBKM assistant lecturers also need to get an assignment letter stating the same thing (supporting IKU), so that they can be claimed as institutional achievements.
- It should be a common concern that all remuneration received by lecturers/staff is based on KPI achievements.
- Lecturers with a Masters degree who wish to continue to a higher level will receive an assignment letter in the form of: Study assignments by implementing the Tri Dharma of higher education Assignments of studying by not carrying out the Tri Dharma of higher education
- The tools owned by the pharmaceutical study program are getting old/worn out so it needs to be planned for rejuvenation
- Utilization of the new FMIPA Building based on the direction of the Chancellor of UNUD is to move study programs that are located far away (Informatics and Pharmacy) first so they can be in the same Faculty environment, and then will be followed by other study programs deemed necessary.
- Informatics Study Program and Pharmacy Study Program need to coordinate regarding the use of the room in the new FMIPA Building
- The five study programs that will be submitted for international accreditation are:
- Bachelor of Biology
- Master of Biology,
- Master of Chemistry,
- S1 Pharmacy,
- Pharmacist
- In order to support maximum achievement during this international accreditation, several workshops have been and will be conducted to obtain an overview of the requirements expected by the accrediting institution
- Faculty business units receive special attention from all members of the senate. Commission 3 of the FMIPA Senate to think/plan business units that can be developed both at the faculty and study program levels
- Laboratory utilization
- If the facility is used by study programs from FMIPA, it is better if the funding is waived for the study program. Suggestion: so that POK is budgeted at the faculty level, not study program
- Until now, practicum implementation has not been included in the student UKT component, because it will result in very high UKT scores, so that the funding for carrying out activities will be supported by each faculty/ study program.
- Agreed by all members of the lowest senate, the increase in the ranks of 17 academic staff
- Currently there is only 1 prospective candidate who registered.
- The registration period for prospective dean candidates has been extended until June 16, 2023
- Based on the current Pertor, a minimum of 2 more candidates is required