
On Saturday (27/05) the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the Field of Education and Reasoning held the peak of the 2023 FMIPA PKM Proposal Writing Training at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Nias Campus, Udayana University and attended by the head of the PKM group or representatives. Attended Dr. Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa, M.Sc. and I Putu Tedy Indrayana, S.Pd., M.Sc. as a speaker and reviewer of the PKM proposal and I Made Widiartha, S.Sc., M.Kom. as a PKM proposal reviewer. Knowledge related to the development of PKM ideas is presented, a review of common mistakes in preparing PKM proposals, the flow and advantages of participating in PIMNAS.

The second deputy dean also expressed his hopes for this Student Creativity Program. He hopes that the interest of FMIPA students will continue to increase, because FMIPA itself has always been a parameter at the university level. He emphasized that from year to year the interest in PKM proposals from FMIPA was very high. Meanwhile, in the last two years it has decreased quite a bit and has not reached the target, especially this year only 75 PKM proposals were collected from FMIPA. This may be because the proposed theme is not in accordance with the topic presented by the students in their proposal. He gave advice on using trending topics so that it becomes an attraction for reviewers and also not monotonous. He hopes that in the future the progress of PKM from FMIPA will continue to increase. He also appreciated the Pharmacy and Informatics study program which actively guided and collaborated with students in writing this PKM proposal. The head of BEM FMIPA also conveyed the same thing, he hoped that through the PPP PKM momentum it could provide an increase in the quality and quantity of PKM so that it could be better for 2024 later. He also added, by inviting extraordinary speakers, it was hoped that FMIPA students could understand the tips and tricks for making PKM proposals so that they would have a great chance of passing SIMBELMAWA and PIMNAS.

The group is from the Biology study program, with the group leader named Mohamad Dimas Wahyu Purnawirawan (2208531034) and the two members are I Komang Adi Pradipta (2208531026) and I Made Widi Angga Suputra (2208531033), I Kadek Juli Adi Swara (2208531045) dan Gede Andrew Arya Mahendra (2208531057) is the winner for the best PKM Proposal group. He said he was very happy and did not expect to get an award. He also thanked the members of his group who had accompanied and assisted him in running this PPP PKM program.

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