Strengthening Education Quality, FMIPA Holds OBE-based RPS Workshop


Thursday 27 January 2022.

To support the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) and strengthen the Quality of Education in Udayana University in general and FMIPA in particular, FMIPA Udayana University held a Workshop on Preparation of OBE-Based Learning Plans (RPS) with Mr. Dr. Ir. Syamsul Arifin, MT. is one of the lecturers of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya who is also a Curriculum Expert Team (academic, vocational, professional, and LPTK) Directorate of learning KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK.

The workshop, which was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Offline UP3M Team, UPIKS and attended by all Lecturer Staff in FMIPA UNUD, was held in a hybrid (offline and offline) manner. Online) from the MIPA Faculty meeting room and from the residence of their respective lecturers.

In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D. expressed her appreciation and gratitude to the keynote speaker - Mr. Dr. Ir. Syamsul Arifin is willing to take the time to share his knowledge on how to develop an OBE-based RPS. Through this workshop, Watiniasih hopes that what will be conveyed by the resource persons will encourage all lecturers at FMIPA to make learning designs that are implemented in RPS so that they are truly OBE-based, although there may be some lecturers who have adopted OBE-based RPS. Watiniasih further said that one of the university's KPIs is that at least 50% of courses implement case-based learning (CBL) and project-based learning (PBL) learning methods. So this workshop is certainly very important not only to increase student success but also important as one of the supporters of the University's performance. Watiniasih hopes that all participants present will be able to attend the workshop well and immediately update their RPS to become an OBE-based RPS (CBL-PBL).

In his presentation, Dr. Ir. Syamsul Arifin explained three main things, namely: (1) what is the perspective of case-based learning and project-based learning when viewed from a theoretical approach, (2) how CBL and PBL are regulated in the ministerial decree which regulates the seventh Key Performance Indicators (KPI). which states the percentage of S1 and D4/D3/D2 courses that use case-solving learning methods or project-based group learning as part of the evaluation weight (50%) so that with this reference lecturers can arrange OBE-based RPS as desired in the Ministerial Decree, and (3) providing an example of how OBE-based RPS is.

Arifin conveyed that the desired achievement after participating in this workshop was that lecturers in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University were able to design innovative learning and prepare Blended RPS in accordance with the National Standards (SN) for Higher Education and with the OBE approach. In preparing OBE-based lectures, lecturers can use references to Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning the Higher Education System, Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 concerning SN Dikti; Kepmendikbud No.3/M/2021 concerning KPT, Guidelines for Preparation of KPT in the Industrial Era 4.0 to Support MBKM, Belmawa Dikti; and the Independent Learning Guidebook for the Independent Campus, Belmawa Dikti, 2020. So that lecturers are no longer confused in finding references for implementing OBE-based lectures.

Furthermore, in his presentation, Arifin said that to be able to implement the OBE-based RPS, there are six steps to making a good RPS, namely:

  1. Starting from learning design,
  2. Know in advance what abilities you want to achieve (CPL),
  3. Describe in accordance with the capabilities (CPL). in learning activities, how to learn, and assessment;
  4. Develop learning strategies according to the minimum standards of SN-Dikti
  5. Make a structured and systematic RPS tabulation so that it is easy to read & use
  6. Do an evaluation at the end of each semester for continuous improvement

The workshop was moderated by Mr. Dr. Drs. I Gusti Agung Gede Bawa, M.Sc. this is going on very interestingly. It was proven by the many questions that were asked by the lecturers in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University in the question and answer session who really wanted to immediately implement this OBE-based RPS. The workshop ended after 3 hours which was closed with a thank you again from the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to the speakers and to all participants who attended both offline, online via Zoom, or watching the live streaming on youtube FMIPA. Hopefully what has been conveyed can provide a better perspective on how to implement OBE-based RPS in courses taught by lecturers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University.