Senate Meeting of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University


Senate Meeting of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

May 27, 2022. At 09.30 WITA Until the end, attended by all members and accompanied by the Dean and his staff, the FMIPA senate held a senate meeting with the following agenda:

1. Opening

2. Submission of Information from the Chair of the Senate

3. Submission of Information from the Dean

4. Submission of Proposals for Lecturer Promotion

5. Discussion

6. Summary of Meeting Results.

In his speech, the Chair of the Senate (Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Drs I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta, apt) said that all of the colleagues in study programs should think about developing new study programs, so that our ratio can be increased. We want to develop business units by involving employees, related to promotion, to make it easier for those who want to be promoted. Furthermore accreditation is part of the selling point, we must pursue accreditation.

Furthermore the dean of faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D) firstly said thanks for all the senate member for giving suggestions, i will always support the decisions were made by senate.

All of the UP3M documents, must be read in detail so we can find every strength, weakness, and opportunities, so that all the programs are aligned. We really hope that the documents can be produced in the senate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

We will prioritize the proposal for promotion, because we really support this promotion program. A decree will be made for the team that will work. We also as leaders plan all international Accredited Study Programs, which we hope study programs are prepared for, to achieve international targets.