SEKARAI Software was created by Made Agung Raharja, a Lecturer in Informatics FMIPA


Friday 10 March 2023, Made Agung Raharja, SE, Ak, S.Si, M.Cs, one of the lecturers in the PS Informatics FMIPA UNUD carried out doctoral studies with the title "Sekar Alit Recognition using Artificial Intelligence (SEKARAI). SEKARAI is a learning software tembang sekar alit made with an artificial intelligence algorithm for speech recognition based on a total ergonomics approach to improve the health and learning quality of students with an android-based application on the user's side.The software in the form of SEKARAI learning media is implemented in an ergonomic learning form that begins with the study of appropriate technology through the SHIP (Systemic, Holistic, Interdisciplinary and Participatory) approach with various features in the SEKARAI software.In his dissertation summary the lecturer who is usually called Degung conveyed that the purpose of his research was to prove that SEKARAI software is short-based Total Ergonomics Improves the quality of health and learning of Tembang Sekar Alit in terms of musculoskeletal complaints, fatigue, eye fatigue, workload, boredom, cognitive load (increased speed, accuracy and consistency and learning outcomes.

Furthermore, the lecturer who is usually called Degung stated that the dissertation which was promoted by: Prof. Dr. dr, I P Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes., Co-promoter I: Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Adiputra, MOH., Co-promoter II: Dr.dr. Susy Purnawati, MKK has an experimental research design that uses the Randomized Pretest and Posttest Control Group Design. Control Group (KK) and Treatment Group (KP) involving 12 students each. The data collected was tested for normality with the Shapiro-Wilk test while the comparability and hypothesis testing were tested with independent sample t-test at a significant level of 5% (a-0.05), which at the previous stage had been carried out by workshops and software design and implementation then carried out Usability testing of SEKARAI software.

From the results of the study it was found that the SEKARAI software based on a total ergonomics approach resulted in a significant reduction in musculoskeletal complaints by 10.74%. Fatigue score decreased by 14.67% (P<0.05). The decrease in cognitive load in terms of the increase in speed was 16.82% (p<0.05), the accuracy was 30.05% (p<0.05) and the increase in constancy was obtained. of 16.91% (p<0.05). The decrease in eye fatigue decreased by 12.17% (P<0.05). Workload decreased by 7.60% (p<0.05). Decreased boredom by 17.03% and increased learning outcomes by 10.05% (p <0.05). The implication of the results of this study is that the SEKARAI software based on a total ergonomics approach improves the quality of health and learning of Tembang Sekar Alit in students as seen from a decrease in musculoskeletal complaints, fatigue, eye fatigue, workload, boredom, cognitive load in terms of increased speed, accuracy and consistency. as well as increased learning outcomes.

Informatics Study Program Coordinator Ir. Dr. I Ketut Gede Suhartana, S.Kom, M.Kom, IPM, ASEAN was contacted on the sidelines of a doctoral promotion to express his gratitude and pride for the achievement of promovendus Made Agung Raharja, SE, Ak, S.Si, M.Cs. Suhartana further stated that this research was extraordinary because it combined 3 scientific fields in solving problems in society. The 3 fields of knowledge are Culture, Health, and Informatics. the hope is that in the future what has been produced can be collaborated with other researchers because what has been achieved so far is not the end, but can be said to be the beginning of further research.

Contacted after the inauguration ceremony, Degung's beloved wife, Ni Wayan Oktaviari expressed her pride and joy at the completion of her Doctoral study from Degung. Oktaviari hopes that what her husband has made can be successful and useful for the wider community.