let's join to be a student at Udayana University without a test
Let's register!
Udayana University Student Admission through PENELUSURAN JALUR PRESTASI (PJP) for High School/Vocational High School Students has been opened. What kind of achievements are the requirements? Of course, national and international achievements. PJP registration is open until March 10, 2021.
What are the requirements? Please check the guide below, or you can also visit the https://pjmp.unud.ac.id page, or
Contact Person
- Melia (+62) 82237079679,
- Yuni (+62) 81246221520,
- Wulan (+62) 87861634770.
The Achievement Clusters of KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK are as follows
Achievement Criterions for PJP UNUD 2022
repost unud.ac.id