Let's find out what will happen if Udayana University becomes a PTNBH


Let's find out what will happen if Udayana University becomes a PTNBH

Participate in the dialogue program of the Udayana University PTNBH Public Communication Team with the Academic Community with the topic "PTN Udayana University Legal Entity: Threat or Opportunity?" presenting speakers from the PTNBH Team Leader, Prof. Ir. Nyoman Semadi Antara, M.P. Ph.D and the PTNBH Unud Team.

Dialogue will be held on:

  • Friday, March 10, 2023
  • 15.00 WITA
  • Live on Radio Udayana (http://unudradio.caster.fm/)

The dialogue can also be watched via live streaming on Youtube Udayana TV and live on Instagram @univ.udayana

Thank You.