Improving Student Competence, Master of Chemistry UNUD Explores Cooperation with PT Karya Pak Oles Tokcer
Buleleng, January 29, 2022,
In order to improve the competence and learning experience of students directly in the world of work, the Chemistry Master's Degree Study Program, FMIPA Udayana University visited PT Karya Pak Oles Tokcer to explore cooperation in Bengkel Village, Busung Biu District, Buleleng Regency.
The cooperation exploration activity was attended by the Study Program Coordinator - Dr. Drs. I Gusti Agung Gede Bawa, M.Sc., along with the lecturers, and 25 students of the Chemistry Masters Study Program, FMIPA Udayana University, were received directly by the Head of the Natural Resources Processing Installation (IPSA) PT Karya Pak Oles Tokcer Mr. Ketut Jadiasa, and their staff at the IPSA Training Hall of PT Karya Pak Oles Tokcer Buleleng.
In his remarks, Agung Bawa as a representative of Udayana University expressed his gratitude because the Chemistry Master Program of Unud had been given the opportunity to visit PT. The work of Mr. Oles Tokcer. Agung Bawa also said that the very dynamic development of education requires a link and match with the industry or the world of work, especially currently the implementation of the Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) is being promoted where we must provide the widest opportunity for students to gain knowledge and practice in the industrial world so that students have competencies that are in accordance with the world of work, so this fact requires the world of education to partner with the industrial world.
Responding to the remarks from Agung Bawa, the Head of IPSA PT Karya Pak By Tokcer, Mr. Ketut Jadiasa, welcomed the visit and exploration of cooperation from the Master of Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA Udayana University and emphasized the importance of education to the development of the industrial world, where research results The research produced by the world of education is expected to be useful and of course it can be implemented in the industrial world. PT. Mr. Oles Tockcer who is engaged in herbal medicine products is very interested in researching the use of medicinal plants as raw materials for herbal medicine.
During this visit, by Ms. Endah Widyowati, S.Si, Apt the representative of PT Karya Pak Oles Tokcer, students were given detailed explanations about the raw materials, processes, packaging, and distribution of PT Karya Pak Oles Tokcer products, including the most famous ones, namely Bokashi Oles Oil, various herbal tea and honey products, and effective microorganism (EM) products. Students are also invited to directly see, recognize, and observe various types of herbs as raw materials, observe the drying process of Simplicia which will later be processed to make various herbal teas, honey mixtures, and also for active ingredients in the manufacture of bokashi oil.
Furthermore, students can observe the maceration process and the use of EM technology, mixing with essential oils to the product packaging process in making bokashi oil. This activity is expected to improve the competence and learning experience of students so that they can better understand the theory and laboratory practice that has been obtained while on campus by seeing its application directly in the field.