FMIPA UNUD invites CIFOR Director to give guest lecture


Wednesday 7 September 2022, Udayana University's Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held a guest lecture inviting the Director of CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research) Robert Nasi, Ph.D.

CIFOR is a non-profit organization headquartered in Bogor, Indonesia, with other offices in Nairobi, Kenya; Yaounde, Cameroon; Lima, Peru, and Bonn, Germany which is part of CGIAR Research Centers who conducting Research Programs on Forests, Trees, and Agroforestry around the world. CIFOR's research is divided into four thematic areas of work in more than 50 countries:

  1. Climate change, energy, and low-carbon development
  2. Equal opportunity, gender, justice, and ownership
  3. Sustainable landscapes and livelihoods
  4. Value chain, finance, and investment

In his speech, the Dean of FMIPA Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D. welcomed Robert Nasi, Ph.D. for his willingness to give a guest lecture on this occasion. Watiniasih also expressed her gratitude to the head of the cooperation unit, Mrs. Eswariyanti Kusuma Yuni, who initiated the collaboration with CIFOR, not to forget the coordinators of the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral Biology Study Programs who were present, as well as all invitees who attended online and offline.

Furthermore, Watiniasih said that this guest lecture is one of the implementations of the collaboration between CIFOR and FMIPA. where this collaboration is expected to be able to provide benefits to the entire Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Udayana University, providing a general picture of restoration not only in Asia, and the Pacific but also throughout the world. Given the importance of the material that will be presented by the speaker, Watiniasih hopes that all participants can follow the guest lecture to completion. On this occasion, Watiniasih invited CIFOR not only to collaborate in terms of education but also in the field of community service on an international scale so that the community of FMIPA Udayana University had a good experience in the field of nature conservation.

In closing, Watiniasih once again thanked the speakers for taking the time in their busy schedules to deliver guest lectures.

In his presentation, Robert Nasi delivered four main topics, namely:

  1. Land Degradation, Scope, Costs, and liabilities,
  2. The Case for mode forest and trees and the need for landscape restoration at scale,
  3. The economic case for landscape restoration,
  4. A few Asian and Indonesian examples.

The guest lecture moderated by Mrs. Dra. Ni Luh Arpiwi, Ph.D. lasted for 1.5 hours, was so interesting and interactively have many questions were asked by participants both offline and online.