FMIPA UNUD conducts Community Assistance for Biodiversity Conservation
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud together with PT Tirta Investama Mambal conducted community assistance for biodiversity conservation in Banjar Jempanang, Bilok Sidan Village, Petang District, Badung Bali. This mentoring activity was carried out on Thursday, April 7, 2022 at Balai Banjar Jempanang, and was attended by prajuru, representatives of community groups, and sekehe teruni teruni in the area. From FMIPA Unud, the Head of the Cooperation Unit, Dra. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, MSc.,PhD. and PIC of collaboration between FMIPA Unud and PT Tirta Investama-Mambal I Made Saka Wijaya, SSi., MSc. from Biology Study Program. This assistance aims to capture the aspirations and desires of local communities regarding the management of biodiversity in their area, which will then be realized through various activities in the Jempanang Lestari Program (previously known as Ayung Lestari). Thus the local community will play an active role in the planning and implementation, thus triggering the motivation to preserve nature independently.
The Jempanang Lestari Program is a CSR program of PT Tirta Investama-Mambal, and PT Tirta Investama-Mambal has signed a Cooperation Agreement with FMIPA Unud in 2021 to carry out Education, Research, and Community Service activities in the field of Biodiversity Conservation at the PT CSR Program Location. Tirta Investama-Mambal, namely in Bongkasa Pertiwi Village and in Banjar Jempanang, Bilok Sidan Village. In 2021, the Biology Study Program, FMIPA Unud, has carried out biodiversity monitoring activities at the two CSR locations. Knowledge of biodiversity is an important aspect in the preservation of natural resources because the presence of flora and fauna will greatly affect the balance of ecosystems and the sustainability of human life.