FMIPA Releases 45 New Pharmacists at the Pharmacist Oath Event


On Thursday (04/05) the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held an Oath of Pharmacist Batch XXV for the May 2023 period. This event was held in collaboration between Udayana University and the Pharmacy Council. Located in the Hall of the Postgraduate Building Floor 3, Sudirman Campus, Udayana University, this event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA, Members of the Pharmacy Council, Chair of IAI, Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office, Coordinator of the FMIPA Pharmacist Professional Study Program, Coordinator of the FMIPA Pharmacy Study Program, and Staff Lecturer of the FMIPA Pharmacist Study Program.

45 new pharmacist candidates who aimed to confirm their commitment to carrying out their professional duties with full integrity and responsibility. The Pharmacist's Oath is a symbol of the pharmacist's commitment to carry out their duties with full responsibility and trust. The procession of the Pharmacist Oath in Hinduism begins with Jaya-jaya, which means identifying oneself and giving thanks to God that one has completed the educational process in the Pharmacist Profession and meets the requirements for taking the oath. Mejaya-jaya needed to purify himself when the oath was later taken.

In the period May 2023, the title of the best graduate student of the pharmacist study program was won by apt. Ni Ketut Nitya Cahyani, S.Farm with a GPA of 3.92 and at the same time achieved the highest UKAI score. Achievements achieved by apt. Ni Ketut Nitya Cahyani, S.Farm certainly received appreciation from the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University by giving a certificate of appreciation for this extraordinary achievement.

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D., congratulated the students who will take the oath as pharmacists today. This oath is a strong, binding, and very important promise to the pharmacist profession. In this oath, the new pharmacist-to-be has pledged to uphold ethical principles, respect public beliefs, and fight for the health and well-being of patients. The hope of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is that all these new pharmacists can uphold the principles of professional ethics and always provide the best service to the community. The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University did not forget to give great appreciation to all faculty staff and lecturers who have helped students in pursuing their pharmacist degree.

As for the expectations of the Pharmacist Study Program Coordinator Dr. apt. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dewantara Putra, S. Farm., M. Sc. that it is well known that the struggle to become a pharmacist is not easy, there are so many series including exams that must be passed so don't waste time completing this study so that you can graduate on a first taker or on time and also hope that the next batch will be maintained like this and not there is another student who is a cracker at the Udayana University Pharmacist Study Program. In addition, he also said that he was very proud of Pharmacists Batch XXV for the May 2023 period because first taker students passed 88.09% with an average national pass in this period of 64.3%. In addition, the Coordinator of the Pharmacist Study Program said that the Pharmacist Oath event is a very sacred event and an event that we are very proud of so that it is hoped that this new pharmacist can make his parents and the institution where he was born proud, namely Udayana University. After being at work, don't forget the place where the institution studied, namely the Pharmacist Profession at Udayana University.

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