
Sunday, July 3, 2022, BEM FMIPA Udayana University held a Capacity Building FMIPA 2022 activity which raised a new theme that was no less extraordinary than the previous activity. This activity has a web seminar concept with the title "Manage Your Money to Make Sure of Your Future" online via Zoom Meeting and was attended by students from the Udayana MIPA Faculty and also outside the Udayana MIPA Faculty.

Finance is a problem that is commonly discussed among students and has become an important aspect of life. Finance basically focuses on things around finance, and is generally only defined as someone's money coming in and out. There are still many students who may often feel overwhelmed in managing their finances properly and appropriately, and ultimately do not achieve financial stability. Many factors are sometimes overlooked and unthinkable so that financial arrangements that are deemed appropriate become less effective.

Therefore, BEM FMIPA Udayana University as a student forum tasked with assisting the growth and development of FMIPA Udayana University students and also outside of it has brought back a new chapter of the 2022 FMIPA Capacity Building activity, namely Chapter II. In Chapter II this time there were extraordinary speakers, namely Mrs. Fenny Kusumohardjo, STP, MM, CFP, QWP who is a financial expert. The Chapter II activity was complemented by material exposure which was responded actively by the participants through sharing and question and answer sessions, there was also an ice breaking session and a special performance by the Beatles Band from the Informatics Study Program, FMIPA Udayana University to enliven the event. Implementation of Capacity Building FMIPA 2022 Chapter II, it is hoped that the financial problems that are often experienced by students can help with financial problems and can add insight to students related to the financial world.

Laporan Ketua Panitia Capacity Building FMIPA 2022

Sambutan oleh Ketua BEM FMIPA 2022

Sambutan dan Pembukaan secara Resmi oleh Dekan FMIPA

Pemaparan Materi oleh Pembicara

Penyerahan Penghargaan kepada Pembicara dan Moderator

Penyerahan Penghargaan kepada Pembicara dan Moderator

Penampilan Band Beatles

Penutupan oleh MC